Haematology Watch

Haematology Watch, Vol 1, Issue 1.



Dr. Mehmood-ul-Hasan

The number and quality of research papers in Haematology in Pakistan is as following:

1. There is not any print Journal of Haematology in Pakistan.

2. The number of PMDC recognized Medical Journals which (can) publish articles on Haematology are:

  1. Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Karachi
  2. Annals of King Edward Medical University, Lahore
  3. Annals of Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
  4. Annals of PIMS, Islamabad
  5. Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences, D.I.Khan
  6. Journal of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore
  7. Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad
  8. Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, Karachi
  9. Journal of Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi
  10. Journal of Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore
  11. Journal of Liaquat Univeristy of Medial & Health Sciences, Jamshoro
  12. Journal of Medical Sciences
  13. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
  14. Journal of PGMI
  15. Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi
  16. International Journal of Pathology
  17. Medical Channel, Karachi
  18. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal
  19. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, Lahore
  20. Pakistan Journal of Pathology
  21. Pakistan Medical Forum Monthly Lahore
  22. Pakistan Medical Research Journal
  23. Pakistan Paediatric Journal
  24. Rawal Medical Journal
  25. The Professional, Faisalabad
[The names in bold letters are the ones listed in MedLine]

3. The number of articles related to Haematology published in 2008 in (only 3) MedLine Indexed Medical Journals of Pakistan were 16 out of total 451 articles (i.e. 3.5%).

4. The number of Observational studies were 6.

5. The number of Experimental studies were 1.

6. The number of Review articles were 0.

7. The number of Case reports were 9.

(Data collected from www.pakmedinet.com)