Haematology Watch


"The College will now have a centre in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) and in Irbid (Jordan), where FRCPath Diploma written and FRCPath Part 1 written and MCQ/EMQ candidates will be able to sit their Royal College of Pathologists Examinations. The Examinations Guidelines and relevant application forms will be updated to reflect that soon."

The Royal College of Pathologists

Below is the correspondence between an Examination Co-ordinator of Royal College of Pathologists and us:

Kindly acknowledge about the validity of a news that MRCPath 1 exam is being conducted in Pakistan!
Is it true?
Any guideline to prepare for it?
Thank you.



Dear Dr ul-Hasan,

Thank you for your e-mail.

With effect from Autumn 2011 there will be a Part 1 written examination centre in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. All communication should still be through the College here in London, however.

Before applying for an FRCPath exam candidates should read the following: the regulations and guidelines for 2011; the specialty specific regulations and guidelines; the specialty specific candidate information and the frequently asked questions.

It is difficult for the exams department to know for certain if candidates are eligible without having seen your application form and CV. As we do not want to put anyone off applying if they are actually eligible

Moreover, this decision should be made independently and without influence from the College. Please note that rejected applicants are fully refundedrefunded.                                                                                                                  

If you are still unsure whether they are eligible should discuss this with their sponsor.  Those not based in the UK should have a look at the curriculum for UK trainees to see what the exam will be based on.  

Payment for an exam must be made via Worldpay on the College website.  Please check the exam fees page first to ensure you pay the correct amount.                                   

Finally, please send a completed application form by post to the College, along with your CV and passport photo if this is your first application for an exam.                                                                                                      

Please contact me if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,



Miss Helen Melluish

Examinations Co-ordinator

The Royal College of Pathologists

2 Carlton House Terrace

London, SW1Y 5AF

Tel: 020 7451 6734

Fax: 020 7451 6701

Website: www.rcpath.org

From: Alex Brinded
Sent: 05 July 2011 10:08
To: Helen Melluish
Subject: FW: MRCPath exam in Pakistan